List out and script all indexes in a database
Its quite common that when there is some upgrade, change or release in application, there are chances that our database objects get modified. It may drop some indexes too hampering performance. I had similar situation in my profession. I had creating multiple indexes to find tune database performance, but then there was an application patch release. All those indexes we manually created were dropped by the application. Soon, there was blocking, deadlocks, long running queries, high cpu and performance became pathetic. Later it was understood that all those custom index we DBAs manually created were mercilessly removed by the application. 😥
After this incident, for every application patch release or change, we made a habit of keeping track of all the indexes in the database. We use below script to pull out the report before and after the release activity. The report would help us review, compare and recreate dropped indexes. The output the script is in such a way that you could save all the create statements in a text file and you could paste the list of indexes into an excel sheet for reporting.
/* Adapted from (by Jonathan AC Roberts. ) Modifications 10/06/2010 By R.Doering - 1) Changed Schema of routine to Utils 2) Changed Name from INFGenerateIndexesScript to GenerateIndexesScript 3) Added Schemas to script 4) Reformatted for clarity Modifications 2012-May-04 R. Gosling 1) Added in the Schema name to table name Modifications 2015-Mar-12 1) Removed the script out of Stored procedure 2) Outputs the index list as table which could be copied to Excel for reporting and comparing. -- Usage: set variables @IncludeFileGroup, @IncludeDrop, @IncludeFillFactor and execute the whole script */ declare @IncludeFileGroup bit = 1, @IncludeDrop bit = 1, @IncludeFillFactor bit = 1 set nocount on declare @indexType varchar(30), @indexColumns varchar(300), @indexIncludedColumns varchar(300), @script varchar(max) if exists (select top 1 * from tempdb.sys.all_objects where name like '#indexlist{88dc7f9385b2c8971f38421926506de3e3fc5e843c9520f0674d4b7de6ae62da}') drop table #indexlist create table #indexlist ( schemaName sysname, tableName sysname, tableId int, indexName sysname, indexId int, [fillFactor] int, columnNames varchar(300), includedColumnNames varchar(300), indexType varchar(100), script varchar(max) ) -- Get all existing indexes, but NOT the primary keys DECLARE Indexes_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT SC.Name AS SchemaName, SO.Name AS TableName, SI.OBJECT_ID AS TableId, SI.[Name] AS IndexName, SI.Index_ID AS IndexId, FG.[Name] AS FileGroupName, CASE WHEN SI.Fill_Factor = 0 THEN 100 ELSE SI.Fill_Factor END Fill_Factor FROM sys.indexes SI LEFT JOIN sys.filegroups FG ON SI.data_space_id = FG.data_space_id INNER JOIN sys.objects SO ON SI.OBJECT_ID = SO.OBJECT_ID INNER JOIN sys.schemas SC ON SC.schema_id = SO.schema_id WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(SI.OBJECT_ID, 'IsUserTable') = 1 AND SI.[Name] IS NOT NULL AND SI.is_primary_key = 0 AND SI.is_unique_constraint = 0 AND INDEXPROPERTY(SI.OBJECT_ID, SI.[Name], 'IsStatistics') = 0 ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(SI.OBJECT_ID), SI.Index_ID DECLARE @SchemaName sysname DECLARE @TableName sysname DECLARE @TableId int DECLARE @IndexName sysname DECLARE @FileGroupName sysname DECLARE @IndexId int DECLARE @FillFactor int DECLARE @NewLine nvarchar(4000) SET @NewLine = char(13) + char(10) DECLARE @Tab nvarchar(4000) SET @Tab = SPACE(4) -- Loop through all indexes OPEN Indexes_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Indexes_cursor INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @TableId, @IndexName, @IndexId, @FileGroupName, @FillFactor WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN insert into #indexlist(schemaName, tableName, tableId, indexName, indexId, [fillFactor]) values(@SchemaName, @TableName, @TableId, @IndexName, @IndexId, @FillFactor) DECLARE @sIndexDesc nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @sCreateSql nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @sDropSql nvarchar(4000) SET @sIndexDesc = '-- Index ' + @IndexName + ' on table ' + @TableName SET @sDropSql = 'IF EXISTS(SELECT 1' + @NewLine + ' FROM sysindexes si' + @NewLine + ' INNER JOIN sysobjects so' + @NewLine + ' ON =' + @NewLine + ' WHERE si.[Name] = N''' + @IndexName + ''' -- Index Name' + @NewLine + ' AND so.[Name] = N''' + @TableName + ''') -- Table Name' + @NewLine + 'BEGIN' + @NewLine + ' DROP INDEX [' + @IndexName + '] ON [' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @TableName + ']' + @NewLine + 'END' + @NewLine SET @sCreateSql = 'CREATE ' SET @script = ''; set @script = 'CREATE ' SET @indexType = '' -- Check if the index is unique IF (IndexProperty(@TableId, @IndexName, 'IsUnique') = 1) BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + 'UNIQUE ' set @indexType = 'UNIQUE ' set @script = @script + 'UNIQUE ' END --END IF -- Check if the index is clustered IF (IndexProperty(@TableId, @IndexName, 'IsClustered') = 1) BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + 'CLUSTERED ' SET @indexType = @indexType + 'CLUSTERED ' set @script = @script + 'CLUSTERED ' END --END IF update #indexlist set indexType = @indexType where tableId=@TableId and indexId=@IndexId SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + 'INDEX [' + @IndexName + '] ON [' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @TableName + ']' + @NewLine + '(' + @NewLine SET @script = @script + 'INDEX [' + @IndexName + '] ON [' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @TableName + '](' -- Get all columns of the index DECLARE IndexColumns_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT SC.[Name], IC.[is_included_column], IC.is_descending_key FROM sys.index_columns IC INNER JOIN sys.columns SC ON IC.OBJECT_ID = SC.OBJECT_ID AND IC.Column_ID = SC.Column_ID WHERE IC.OBJECT_ID = @TableId AND Index_ID = @IndexId ORDER BY IC.[is_included_column], IC.key_ordinal DECLARE @IxColumn sysname DECLARE @IxIncl bit DECLARE @Desc bit DECLARE @IxIsIncl bit SET @IxIsIncl = 0 DECLARE @IxFirstColumn bit SET @IxFirstColumn = 1 set @indexColumns = '' set @indexIncludedColumns = '' -- Loop through all columns of the index and append them to the CREATE statement OPEN IndexColumns_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM IndexColumns_cursor INTO @IxColumn, @IxIncl, @Desc WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN IF (@IxFirstColumn = 1) BEGIN SET @IxFirstColumn = 0 END ELSE BEGIN --check to see if it's an included column IF (@IxIsIncl = 0) AND (@IxIncl = 1) BEGIN SET @IxIsIncl = 1 SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + @NewLine + ')' + @NewLine + 'INCLUDE' + @NewLine + '(' + @NewLine set @indexIncludedColumns = @indexIncludedColumns + ' - ' + @IxColumn SET @script = @script + ')' + ' INCLUDE (' END ELSE BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + ',' + @NewLine set @indexColumns = @indexColumns + ' - ' + @IxColumn SET @script = @script + ', ' END --END IF END --END IF SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + @Tab + '[' + @IxColumn + ']' if @indexColumns = '' set @indexColumns = @indexColumns + ' - ' + @IxColumn SET @script = @script + @Tab + '[' + @IxColumn + ']' -- check if ASC or DESC IF @IxIsIncl = 0 BEGIN IF @Desc = 1 BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + ' DESC' set @indexColumns = @indexColumns + ':DESC' SET @script = @script + ' DESC' END ELSE BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + ' ASC' set @indexColumns = @indexColumns + ':ASC' SET @script = @script + ' ASC' END --END IF END --END IF update #indexlist set columnNames = @indexColumns, includedColumnNames = @indexIncludedColumns where tableId = @TableId and indexId = @IndexId FETCH NEXT FROM IndexColumns_cursor INTO @IxColumn, @IxIncl, @Desc END --END WHILE CLOSE IndexColumns_cursor DEALLOCATE IndexColumns_cursor SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + @NewLine + ') ' SET @script = @script + ') ' IF @IncludeFillFactor = 1 BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + @NewLine + 'WITH (FillFactor = ' + CAST(@FillFactor AS varchar(13)) + ')' + @NewLine SET @script = @script + ' WITH (FillFactor = ' + CAST(@FillFactor AS varchar(13)) + ')' END --END IF IF @IncludeFileGroup = 1 BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + 'ON ['+ @FileGroupName + ']' + @NewLine SET @script = @script + 'ON ['+ @FileGroupName + ']' END ELSE BEGIN SET @sCreateSql = @sCreateSql + @NewLine SET @script = @script END --END IF PRINT '-- **********************************************************************' PRINT @sIndexDesc PRINT '-- **********************************************************************' IF @IncludeDrop = 1 BEGIN PRINT @sDropSql PRINT 'GO' END --END IF PRINT @sCreateSql set @script = @script update #indexlist set script = @script where tableId = @TableId and indexId = @IndexId PRINT 'GO' + @NewLine + @NewLine FETCH NEXT FROM Indexes_cursor INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @TableId, @IndexName, @IndexId, @FileGroupName, @FillFactor END --END WHILE CLOSE Indexes_cursor DEALLOCATE Indexes_cursor select * from #indexlist set nocount off